Union Jack   The UK Sponsorship Database
The premier online database of UK sponsorship opportunities


Send details to uksponsorship.com for a Platinum listing on
The UK Sponsorship Database

The cost of a Platinum listing is £30.00. This is a 'one-off' charge, ie you will not be asked to pay to renew the listing, but we reserve the right to remove it if it is clearly well out of date (for instance, if the event it refers to has already happened).

NB: a 33% discount is available to registered charities only, who are charged £20.00 for a Platinum listing. Information about registered charities can be found on the website of the Charity Commission.


Note: please send no money now - we will send you an invoice by email, which should be paid within 10 days of receipt. Payment is made over a secure connection by credit/debit card (via PayPal).

The cost for upgrading an existing Gold listing is £15.00. Please use the form below. If upgrading, it would be helpful if you could let us have a note of the reference number of your current listing, as shown in the first column of the listing. This number can be put into the "Other information" section below.  

For individuals or organisations based in the United Kingdom only

Information to go into the listing

Name of the organisation or individual(s):
Charity number:
(where applicable - please enter the number of the organisation to be listed, not the charity or charities being supported)
Description of the sponsorship opportunity
- maximum 500 words, please
- please avoid the use of the word 'unique' if possible,
eg 'unique opportunity'

Contact name*:
* required
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
Telephone no.:
Fax no.:
Facebook page:
Twitter page:
Expiry date (often 'Ongoing'):


Other information (sorry for all the questions!)

Are you upgrading an existing listing?:

About logos
Do you wish to include a logo?:
If so, will you email it to us or send it to us to be scanned?:

Other options
Would you like to include a download button?:
If including a download button, will you email us the document or send it to us to be scanned?:

Your contact details
Your name:
Your title:
Your telephone no.:
Your email address:
How did you find out about us? (thanks!):     


Address to which we should send our invoice*

Invoice address
(first line)
Invoice address
(2nd line)
Invoice address
(3rd line)

* required

(this stops our form being used for spam)